Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chicken Cacciatore Pronto

Recipe #101:

What to do when you dig forgotten chicken pieces out of the back of the freezer and need a saucy (sauce-y?) recipe to go with them? Check your inbox for Kraft's weekly recipe idea email! That's how I found this one. When I read that I was supposed to make spaghetti to go with the chicken, I decided to make the Spaghetti Squash with Tomatoes and Basil recipe (#100) instead. Whoa - 2 recipes in 1 meal!

I don't really know how much the chicken that I used in this recipe weighed because I forgot to check before I cooked it, but we estimated it at about 1.5 lbs when it was served. Instead of the 2 small red peppers, I used 1 orange pepper, diced instead of chopped, because neither of us is in love with peppers. I figured it would be more palatable in teeny, cheerful orange form. I can still taste it faintly when I eat the finished product, but it's not a peppery punch in the palate like I feared. As for the tomato paste, I think I measured roughly 3 tablespoons (slightly on the more "heaping" side), and neither of the cheeses I used were "light" versions.
Breakfast so good!
Given that I was following 2 different recipes for the same meal, I'm pretty impressed with myself for having them both ready within about 7 minutes of each other. If you know me or have watched me in the kitchen, it's a big deal. Like the web address of my blog says, I'm still learning to cook (and manage my time... but that`s a different story for a different day). Once the chicken was simmering in the pot, I was able to focus on the spaghetti squash for a while.

Speaking of which, I was delighted that my impulsive idea to substitute squash for pasta (say what?!) turned out REALLY well. The Meatatarian made himself rice instead of squash, but we both agreed that the chicken was really good. The gooey cheese on top was a nice touch and he didn't even mention the orange pepper I snuck in - maybe he didn't even notice? When I piled the finished versions of these two recipes one on top of the other, I had a pile of food that was so delicious (have I said that enough already? No.) that I ate it again for breakfast this morning. Score one for me!

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